Captain Claw

Revision as of 23:01, 27 September 2009 by Mariush (talk | contribs) (Created page with '==Cheats== <pre> Cheats: Type these words in while playing any level. MPARMOR Anti-death tile is on MPPREV Previous level MPNEXT Next level …')
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 Type these words in while playing any level.

 MPARMOR         Anti-death tile is on
 MPPREV          Previous level
 MPNEXT          Next level
 MPTIMING        Displays info in top left
 MPUPDATE        Displays more info in top left
 MPGOBLE         Info about Goble
 MPSCORPIO       Same as above
 MPDEFVID        Default screen resolution
 MPDECVID        Decrease screen resolution
 MPINCVID        Increase screen resolution
 MPJAZZY         Low resolution mode (Big characters)
 MPINFINITY      Can't lose lives (Enemies can still kill you)
 MPSTOPWATCH     Time displayed in lower left of screen
 MPPYRO          Full dynamite
 MPWIMPY         Harder to kill enemies with the sword
 MPBOTLESS       Toggles back plane
 MPMIDLESS       Toggles middle plane
 MPTOPLESS       Toggles top plane
 MPNIPPY         Jump higher
 MPSUPERTHROW    Superthrow (Watch out for rebounding objects)
 MPNOINFO        Show - Hide On-screen info
 MPOBJECTS       Shows objects in lower left corner of screen
 MPPOS           Shows world POS
 MPFPS           Shows frame rate
 MPFLUBBER       Superjump mode
 MPMOONGOODIES   Moongoodies on
 MPROIDS         Roids on
 MPMERLIN        Full magic
 MPRAMBO         Full ammo
 MPKFA           God mode
 MPMETRIX        ?