Tobal No. 1
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Infinite Time: 800CC9BC 07C0 Infinite Energy P1: 801F07EA 0100 25% Energy P1: D01F07EA 0100 801F07EA 0040 50% Energy P1: D01F07EA 0100 801F07EA 0080 75% Energy P1: D01F07EA 0100 801F07EA 00C0 No Energy P1: 801F07EA 0000 1-Hit Death P1: D01F07EA 0100 801F07EA 0001 Infinite Energy P2: 801F2632 0100 25% Energy P2: D01F2632 0100 801F2632 0040 50% Energy P2: D01F2632 0100 801F2632 0080 75% Energy P2: D01F2632 0100 801F2632 00C0 No Energy P2: D01F2632 0000 1-Hit Death P2: D01F2632 0100 801F2632 0001 P1 Never Wins: 801F1218 0000 All Characters Selectable: 800DC656 1F0F
Player 1 Infinite Health: 801EF996 0100 Player 2 Infinite Health: 801F17DE 0100 Player 2 No Health: 801F17DE 0000 Player 1 levitates with R2 button: D00CC8AC 0002 801F0368 0100 Player 2 levitates with R2 button: D00CC8AE 0002 801F21B0 0100 Quest Mode Hyper Mode (Note 1): 801F0390 0001 Maximum Strength: 801F141A 0100 Maximum Defence: 801F1418 0100 Maximum Molmoran: 801F1428 FFFF Maximum Hearts: 801F141C 0003 Note 1: A "HYPER" window does not appear but the code does work.
Player 1 play as Mufu: 801F3D24 0800 Player 1 play as Emperor Udan: 801F3D24 0900 Player 1 play as Super Nork: 801F3D24 0A00 Player 1 play as Tori: 801F3D24 0B00 Player 2 play as Mufu: 801F3D2E 0800 Player 2 play as Emperor Udan: 801F3D2E 0900 Player 2 play as Super Nork: 801F3D2E 0A00 Player 2 play as Tori: 801F3D2E 0B00 Player 1 infinite health: 801F0116 0100
Suicide: I got a hint on "Tobal No.1 no.1" is called suiside mode. it works only on hom.. just press and hold: r1,r2,l1,l2,triangle, down and left. once done, hom will press the botton on his back and kill himself... Submission: USER1167@CUTA.UPR1.UPR.CLU.EDUUSER1167@CUTA.UPR1.UPR.CLU.EDU Elevated View: To get an elevated view (only in Tournament and Vs mode), before selecting your character on the character select screen, press L2 + R2, until the first fight starts. Alternate costumes: While selecting your character, hold Up. Play as bosses: Complete one of the following quests to make the corresponding boss selectable: QuestBoss 1Snork 2Mufu 3Udan 4Tori Robo (Udan's Dungeon)