Lego Racers
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Cheats taken from the excellent Lega Racers FAQ by TBO Enter all codes in build mode as the name on the driver licence: FLYSKYHGH - Fly Mode FSTFRWD - Faster game NCHSSS - No Chassis NWHLS - No Wheels HIDDNKARACTRS - Unlock All Hidden Characters NSLWJ - No Slow Down when not on Track PGLLRD - Only Shooter Attacking Power Ups Are Available PGLLYLL - Only Mine Power Ups Are Available PGLLGRN - Only Turbo Power Ups Are Available RPCRNLY - Only Grapple Power Ups Are Available LNFRRRM - Rocket Racer Run Mirror Track MXPMX - Highest Power Up Level Is ALWAYS Activated NDRVR - No Driver NMRCHTS - Disable ALL cheats
No chassis or bricks: Create a new driver in build mode and enter NCHSSS as a name at the make license screen. Submission: Al Amaloo ( Turbo mode: Create a new driver in build mode and enter FSTFRWRD as a name at the make license screen. Submission: Al Amaloo ( Always Maximum Power-Ups: Create a new driver and name him MXPMX Always Turbo Power-Ups: Create a new driver and name him PGLLGRN Always: Shooter Power-Ups: Create a new driver and name him PGLLRD Always Top Speed Off-Road: Create a new driver and name him NSLWJ. Disable Cheats: Create a new driver and name him NMRCHTS. Hovercraft Vehicles: Create a new driver and name him FLYSKYHGH . This code does only work in single race mode for a limited time.
- File:Lego Racers faq.txt
- File:Lego Racers faq 1.txt
- File:Lego-trainer.rar - Add points
- File:LR trainer.rar - +1 Trainer