Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear

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 Press [Enter] to bring up the communication window and type the
 codes below:

 normalcolors                 Map draw AI normal colors
 panickedcolors               Map draw AI panicked colors
 roestatecolors               Map draw AI ROE colors
 roespeedcolors               Map draw AI ROE speed colors
 combatstatecolors            Map draw AI combat state colors
 behaviorcolors               Map draw AI behavior colors
 psychstatecolors             Map draw AI psycological state colors
 threatawarenesscolors        Map draw AI threat awareness colors
 awarenessstatecolors         Map draw AI aware colors
 alertnessstatecolors         Map draw AI alertness colors
 aiplancolors                 Map draw AI plan colors
 levelmaps                    Map draw level maps
 testplan                     Map draw test plan
 drawplan                     Map draw plan
 pathpointlinks               Map draw path point links
 coverpoints                  Map draw cover points
 pathpoints                   Map draw path points
 objectwalls                  Map draw object walls
 obstaclewalls                Map draw obstacle walls
 wounddeath                   ?
 teamshadow                   Team invisible mode
 theshadowknows               Invisible mode
 debugkeys                    Debug keys activated
 silentbutdeadly              Fart mode
 fastactionresponseteam       ?
 monocle                      Monocle mode
 turnpunchkick                Side scroller mode
 1-900                        Heavy breathing
 clodhopper                   Clodhopper mode
 meganoggin                   Mega head mode
 bignoggin                    Big head mode
 5fingerdiscount              Refill inventory
 explore                      Victory conditions
 nobrainer                    Brain usage
 stumpy                       Stumpy mode
 teamgod                      Team god mode
 avatargod                    Avatar god mode


  1. File:Rainbow Six-Rogue Spear faq.txt
  2. File:Rainbow Six-Rogue Spear hints.txt
  3. File:RogueSpearTerroristenPatch-other.rar
  4. File:Cesrspeargdm-trainer.rar - Ammo and items trainer (for v2.0)