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Enter B, A, Z, Z, B, L, A, C as a password. Alternatively,
successfully complete any race in first place to unlock
additional cars and tracks. The speed of the bonus cars
and difficulty of the bonus tracks are determined by the
difficulty of the track that was completed. Additionally,
play the game in practice mode and locate the star in each
level. Collect each star in all tracks (bronze, silver,
gold and platinum) for each difficulty level to unlock the
following cars: Ghengis Kar and Pole Pos (easy), R6 Turbo
and NY 54 (medium), Mouse and Bertha Ballistics (hard), AMW
and Toyeca (extreme).

The C-UP button has two crucial uses in this game. First,
you can use it to jump in multiplayer mode. Also, you can
press this to get our of a jam when you get stuck during a
race. You can also press the R shoulder button if you car
gets flipped over.

To get extra cars & tracks, beat a championship race (bronze,
silver, gold, or platinum, it doesen't matter) finishing first
in points standing. In bronze you unlock slower cars but in
platinum you will unlock faster cars. With tracks you unlock
harder tracks in gold and platinum, but in bronze and silver
you unlock easier tracks.

Mirror Tracks         : Beat Time Trial Challenge times on
                          all reverse tracks in each circuit.
Reverse Tracks        : Beat Time Trial Challenge times on
                          all (forward) tracks in each circuit.
Reverse-Mirror Tracks : Beat Time Trial Challenge times on
                          all mirror tracks in each circuit.