Williams Arcade's Greatest Hits

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Unendliche Leben:
 801BA1C8 0200

Unendliche Smart Bomben:
 801BA1CA 0301

Verteidiger II

Unendliche Leben:
 801BBDDE 0102

Unendliche Smart Bomben + Unsichtbar:
 801BBDE0 1E03


Unendliche Leben:
 801BA050 0400
 801BA052 0005

Robotron 2084

Unendliche Leben:
 801BBDEC 0102


Unendliche Leben:
 801B9FFC 0003

Cheats Menu:
This joystick code will take you the options screen: Hold L1&2 and R1&2 then
push select... do this 2 times. This code takes you to the operators option
screen. You can select how many men and so on and so forth. You can do this
trick on all greatest hits games. ENJOY!!!!

Submission: espn@poconos-online.comespn@poconos-online.com