Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX

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All Costumes:
At the Costumes screen press Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, and Circle.

All Bikes:
At the Bike screen, press Up, Left, Up, Down, Up, Right, Left, Right, and Circle.

Slim Jim:
At the Biker screen press Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Up, and Circle.

Level Select:
Choose driver and wheel as usual. Press: Left, Up, Down, Lefts, Down, Right, Up, Left, Cirle at the
selection screen.

One handed crazy leg swing:
While Matt Hoffmann is in the air, and his Special-Meter is full, press: Right,Right,Square.
Submission to:Kary Loney <kary316@usa.net>

No footed candybar one hander:
While Matt Hoffmann is in the air, and his Special-Meter is full, press: Left, Right, Circle.
Submission to:Kary Loney <kary316@usa.net>

Back flip one footer:
When Mike Escamilla do this when special meter is full press: Down, Down, Suqare.
Submission to:Kary Loney <kary316@usa.net>

Front flip:
When Mike Escamilla do this when special meter is full press: Up, Up, Square.
Submission to:Kary Loney <kary316@usa.net>

When Mike Escamilla do this when special meter is full press: Rechts,Rechts,Kreis
Submission to:Kary Loney <kary316@usa.net>

Body Varial:
When Mike Escamilla do this when special meter is full press:Left, Right, Circle.
Submission to:Kary Loney <kary316@usa.net

Play as Amish Boy:
Complete the game as Dave Mirra, Ryan Nyquist, Joey Garcia, Troy McMurray, Mike Laird, Chad Kagy,
Tim Mirra, Kenan Harkin, Shaun Butler, and Leigh Ramsdell.

All styles:
Go to Pro Quest mode and press Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Circle at the
selection screen.

Big crashes:
Complete the game with Leigh Ramsdell. Now you have the big crash option at the cheat menu.

Sticky crashes:
Complete the game with Kenan Harkin to get the sticky crash option at the cheat menu.

Silly grunts:
Complete the game with Tim Mirra and get the silly grunt option at the cheat menu.

First person view:
Successfully complete the game with Mike Laird. Now you have the the first person view option at the
cheat menu.

Ghost rider:
Complete the game with Joey Garcia to unlock the ghost rider option at the cheat menu.

Exorcist mode:
Complete the game with Troy McMurray and get the exorcist option at the cheat menu.

Bike suspension mode:
Complete the game as Chad Kagy to get the bike suspension option at the cheat menu.

Night vision mode:
Complete the game as Shaun Butler to unlock the night vision option at the cheat menu.

Dave Mirra FMV sequence:
Complete the game as Dave Mirra.

Ryan Nyquist FMV sequence:
Complete the game with Ryan Nyquist.

Game contest FMV sequence:
Complete the game as Slim Jim.

Development team FMV sequence:
Complete the game with Amish Boy.

Extra points:
Press X befor timer runs out and bunnyhop while not on a ramp. Hold Up + X or Down + X to continue
to get some extra points.

Amish Boy:
Complete the game by earning all gold medals with Dave Mirra.

Lunch Lady:
Complete the game by earning all gold medals with Leigh Ramsdell.
10.000 Points for a trick:
 D00D5FFE 0043
 800D5FFC 2710
 D00D5FFE 0043
 800D5FFE 2442
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

Hyper Mode:
 8003E164 0001
 8003E166 2404
 8003E172 2800
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

All Cheats:
 300B5C00 00FF
 Submission: UL1@blaze.de

All Characters:
 300B5C07 000C

Submission: UL1@blaze.de

All Styles:
 D00C6016 FFFE
 800945DC 0005
 Press Select to Activate

All Bikes:
 D00C6016 FFFE
 800945BE 0004
 Press Select to Activate

Stop Timer:
 8009567C 0DFE

All Levels:
 D00C6016 FFFE
 800945CC 000C
Press Select to Activate

 Unlock                  How?

 All leves               After picking bike and rider go to the selection screen and
                         press left, up, right, down, left, down, right, up, left,
                         Modifier Airs Button
 All bikes               At bike selection screen, press up, left, up, down,u p, right,
                         left, right and Modifier Airs Button
 All styles              At The style selection screen and press left, up, right, down,
                         left, down, right, up, left, Modifier Airs Button
 Bonus bike and Slim Jim   At the rider selection screen in pro quest mode,
                         press down, down, left, right, up, up, Modifier Airs.
                         Alternately, successfully complete the game with any rider
 Amish Boy               Successfully complete the game with Dave Mirra, Ryan Nyquist,
                         Joey Garcia, Troy McMurray, Mike Laird, Chad Kagy, Tim Mirra,
                         Kenan Harkin, Shaun Butler, and Leigh Ramsdell
 Big Crashes             Successfully complete the game with Leigh Ramsdell
 Sticky Crashes          Successfully complete the game with Kenan Harkin
 Silly Grunts            Successfully complete the game with Tim Mirra
 1st Person view         Successfully complete the game with Mike Laird
 Ghost Rider             Successfully complete the game with Joey Garcia
 Exorcist Mode           Successfully complete the game with Troy McMurray
 Bike Suspension Mode    Successfully complete the game with Chad Kagy
 Night Vision Mode       Successfully complete the game with Shaun Butler

 FMV Sequences

 Dave Mirra              Successfully complete the game with Dave Mirra.
 Ryan Nyquist            Successfully complete the game with Ryan Nyquist.
 Game contest            Successfully complete the game with Slim Jim.
 Development team        Successfully complete the game with Amish Boy.


 Document created by Dragan Ciprian aka Cipy             DAVE MIRRA
          E-mail: chips2305@yahoo.com                   FREESTYLE BMX

 This is the complete list for the special moves for every player in "Dave Mirra
 Freestyle BMX", including the 2 special characters. I have found them only by
 finishing the whole game (it was one hell of a job, but now it is done).I also
 have a savegame for every player completed (the previous savegame you could
 find on DLH wasn't complete!).


 In the next list you will find the next abreviations:
TRK->the Trick button (not the Trick Modifier)
UL,DL,UR,DR->two directions pressed together at the same time (not one after another)


Well,here we go:

1.Dave Mirra:

2.Ryan Nyquist:

3.Troy McMurray:

4.Mike Laird:

5.Chad Kagy:

6.Tim Mirra:

7.Kenan Harkin:

8.Shaun Butler:

9.Leigh Ramsdell:

10.Joey Garcia:

11.Slim Jim Guy:

12.Amish Boy:


Hope you enjoy it.
Thanks fly out to:
 -ME for the patience with which I have finished this wonderful game
 -Balan Vladutz aka Bro for giving me a few important tips
 -Jardel & the above for suplying me with this game
 -the people who made such a nice (and sometimes full of bugs) game ;)

Well,I guess this is the end. One last request: PLEASE DON'T PLAGIARIZE!


For the Playstation version

  1. File:Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX cheats 2.txt

For the PC version

  1. File:Dmsave2-savegame.rar - The complete savgegame
  2. File:Davemirrasave-savegame.rar - All levels, gold medals, bikes and sponsors