Deimos Rising

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 When playing game press [`] to bring up console then type in

 supermunki        - Cheats enabled


 SHADOWS           - Toggles the drawing of game shadows
 LIMITFPS          - Toggles maximum frame rate
 PLAYER            - Provides access to player state commands
 VERSION           - Displays game version
 INTEGRITY         - Performs basic data integrity
 MEMORY            - Displays memory
 LOGMEM            - Logs memory
 GAMETIME          - Displays game time
 DISPLAYACCURACY   - Displays ground enemy destruction statistics
 ALLLEVELS         - Access to all levels
 LIFE              - Gives an extra life
 ACCURACY          - Accuracy to 100%
 FUNDS             - Gives player Money
 SCORE             - Gives player points
 SHIELDS           - Gives player shields
 MULT              - Gives player Bonus Multiplayer


  1. File:N-drtr-trainer.rar - Trainer for health, lives, accuracy, invulnerability and level a
  2. File:N-drch-other.rar - Access all level