Dino Crisis

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Allows Game to Play in a Mod-Chip System:
D014957E 1040
8014957E 1000
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Health:
800AE1DC 04B0
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Bullets:
D0062708 0000
80062708 2821
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Turbo Shooting:
D0049208 0007
80049208 0001
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

All Weapons (Press Select + L2):
D00B71B8 0101
800B6210 07FE
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Save Anywhere (Press Select + L1):
D00B71B8 0104
800AC6B0 0007
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Faster Special Move (Press X):
D00B71B8 0040
800AE108 0100
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 1 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6535 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 2 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6539 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 3 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B653D 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 4 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6541 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 5 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6545 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 6 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6549 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 7 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B654D 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 8 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6551 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 9 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6555 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Items Slot 10 (Press L1 + L2):
D00B71B8 0005
300B6559 0060
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Infinite Time WipeOut Missions:
800B696C 2330
800B6970 1C2C
800B6974 1520
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

View First Ending (Press L2 + Select):
D00B71B8 0101
800AC6B0 000A
D00B71B8 0101
300AC6C3 0000
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

View Second Ending (Press R2 + Select):
D00B71B8 0102
800AC6B0 000A
D00B71B8 0102
300AC6C3 0001
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

View Third Ending (Press L2 + R2 + Select):
D00B71B8 0103
800AC6B0 000A
D00B71B8 0103
300AC6C3 0002
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Create Bonus Saved Game:
D00BC8A2 0003
800BC8A2 0503
D00B695C 0001
800B695C 000F
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Status After Finishing Game Clear Time = 0:00:00:
800B612C 0000
800B612E 0000
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Continues = 0:
300B6132 001E
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)

Saves = 0:
300B612B 0000
Submission: Irene Keiffer (keifi@htomail.com)
New outfits
If you beat the game in under 8 hours then you will get new costumes to wear as you play
Joseph Han


For the PC version

  1. File:Dino Crisis solution.txt
  2. File:IC DCTrainer2-other.rar

For the Playstation version

  1. File:Dino Crisis cheats 1.txt