Final Fight 2

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7E106D8D       Player 1 keeps energy bar at full
7E11258D       Player 2 keeps energy bar at full
7ED86399       Stops the time from counting down
7E10A2FF       Player 1 starting Lives
7E115AFF       Player 2 starting lives
7E10260F       Grab the Enemy, press jump and then attack to destroy them (only Haggar)
                Don't use this on the bosses
7E105Bxx       xx changes the Players color for Player 1
7E1113xx       xx changes the Players color for Player 2
7E1079FF       Only one hit is needed to kill the enemy (Player 1)
7E1131FF       Only one hit is needed to kill the enemy (Player 2)
7E1003xx       Player 1 select man: 00=Haggar, 01=Maki, 02=Carlos
7E10BBxx       Player 2 select man: 00=Haggar, 01=Maki, 02=Carlos
7EADC515       Complete the Game after finish round one
7E106F8D       Infinite Energy

Cheats by Sebastian Armbrust -