Force Commander

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 Type in the codes as player name, then click on the name to activate
 it and follow the blue arrow. (Type names exactly as shown here:)

 TheWorldIsYours   - All missions accessable

 TheGalaxyIsYours  - Activated the following keys:

 [M]               + 500 command points
 [Shift][M]        + 500 command points and order any unit
 [Ctrl][W]         Win the mission
 [Ctrl][8]         Show active units
 [Ctrl][Shift][8]  Show all units
 [Ctrl][9]         Remove fog of war
 [NumLock][*]      999.999 life for unit (press [*] on keypad)
 [Ctrl][0]         Scroll through the units with [Up] or [Down] and
                   use the [left] key to spawn the selected unit. Use
                   [Up] and [Down] to change the team of spawned the unit.
                   Use [Del] to destroy any selected unit.


  1. File:Sw-other.rar - Mission enabler