Jarrett and Labonte Stock Car Racing

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Blurred Screen:
The Code does work for all modes except championship modus. Enter the following code in the Bonuses-Screen: ethanol

Faster Cars:
The Code does work for all modes except championship modus. Enter the following code in the Bonuses-Screen: gruntsome

Exploding Kerbs:
The Code does work for all modes except championship modus. Enter the following code in the Bonuses-Screen: kerbkrawl

Silver Car:
The Code does work for all modes except championship modus. Enter the following code in the Bonuses-Screen: T2

Enhanced Nitros:
The Code does work for all modes except championship modus. Enter the following code in the Bonuses-Screen: glycerine. The Nitro is activated by pressing the X button.
All Cars:
 50004B02 0000
 80058712 0101