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 All cheats can be activated once per level:

 HEALME          - Complete healing
 INEEDABIGGUN    - Gatt powerup
 TORNADOAWAY     - Twister powerup
 HOLOKURTISFUN   - Dummy powerup



 Load the file mdk95.exe into the hex editor and change the following

 offset       content    change to

 76487        29         90
 76488        C2         90

 Now you are invulnerable.


 Each cheat can be used only once per level.

 Codes for ALL of the Patches:

 Type all of these codes during game

 ineedabiggun    = Super Chain Gun powerup once per level
 holokurtisfun   = Dummy powerup once per level
 nastyshotthanks = Homing sniper grenade once per level
 tornadoaway     = Twister powerup once per level
 486ok           = Allow 486 machines to run

 For Un-patched final North American executable:

 makemefull      = Health once per level
 masterblaster   = Gatt powerup once per level
 twistandshout   = Twister powerup once per level
 biggrenade      = Homing sniper grenade once per level
 486willbeslow   = Allow 486 machines to run

 For European Version (Should work for No Blood German versions as

 healme          = Health once per level
 ineedabiggun    = Gatt powerup once per level
 tornadoaway     = Twister powerup once per level
 holokurtisfun   = Dummy powerup once per level
 486okbyme       = Allow 486 machines to run

Endless Health:


For the PC version

  1. File:MDK solution.txt
  2. File:MDK solution 1.txt
  3. File:Mdk-other.rar - Keyboard layout
  4. File:0897 1-other.rar - Table for GameWizard
  5. File:0597 2-trainer.rar - Here is a little trainer to patch MDK running with DOS.

For the Playstation version

  1. File:MDK cheats 2.txt
  2. File:Imsrstrn.rar