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Level Select:
Here's an easy level select trick for NOVASTORM: First, start a regular game.
(you may want to set the game to easy with seven lives to ensure you pull off
this trick.) When you die you must have enough points to enter a name in the
high score screen. Enter the name TWIRLY. Now go to the main screen. A new
option (a power-up icon) will be available to you. This is the level select
option. Choose it and... ... You'll be taken to the level select menu. now you
can go to any NOVASTORM level you want.


 The special warp code in Nova Storm:
 After game start, when you get control of the plane, type:

 You will then warp to a special bonus level (all shoot become tomato
 shape) and can get all special weapons. After the bonus level, you
 will go to the final stage.