One Must Fall 2097

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One Must Fall 2097 - Funny dialogues between same characters in multiplayer

Crystal - Crystal
Well, you look familliar - You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

Shiro - Shiro
Do you use turtle wax on that head? - Nah. I use Mr. Kleen.

Steffan - Steffan
You look maavelous - Thank ya, dahling.

Christian - Christian
Do you think I look good in this colour? - Well, I know it looks good on me!

Angel - Angel
At least I can trust you - At least I know the real you

Cossette - Cossette
I am guaranteed to win - Yes, but which one!

Jean-Paul - Jean-Paul
I bet I know what you're thinking - You're right of course...

Milano - Milano
When I think about you... - ... I kick myself...

Ibrahim - Ibrahim
Two guys walk into a bar... - ...It left a big bar-mark on their heads.

Raven - Raven
Almost like looking in a mirror - rorrim a ni gnikool ekil tsomlA

By King Joker,



 Edit the save game file (*.CHR) and go to sector 0 offset 40 - 43
 and change them to 05 27 2A A8, go to sector 0 offset 28 - 34 and
 change them to C1 EC E3 EA D5 C1 D6.

 Now you have $210000000 and the best robot.


  1. File:One Must Fall 2097 faq.txt
  2. File:One Must Fall 2097 hints 1.txt