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Cheat codes

Hold L1 and R1 and then enter the code during game play.
Code                    Effect
Press L3,R3,L3,R2,CIRCLE,R2	All power upgrades
Circle ,Circle ,Triangle ,R2 ,L3 ,Triangle	All Psi Powers
R2, X, L3, R2, R2, Circle	Different text. (This changes text to symbols and numbers, changes character's name to a developers name, and puts captions for the dialogue)
R3, X, L3, L3, Triangle, Circle	Full ammunition
Press X,R3,R3,R2,TRIANGLE,SQUARE	Full arrowheads
Press L3,R2,R2,CIRCLE,X,R3	Full lives
Press R3,CIRCLE,R2,R2,L3,TRIANGLE	Global items

'Making Of' Reels

Sort all emotional baggages in any mind to unlock the character of the brain's 'making of' reel.

Bonus Movie

In order to reach rank 100 you will need to collect all scavenger hunt items , psi-orbs , psi-cards , cobwebs, figments and emotional baggage.
Unlockable              How to Unlock
Bonus Movie             Obtain Psi Cadet Rank 100

Easter Eggs
Game developer easter egg

When inside Linda's head, go to the end part where the skyscrapers are. Go to the last one on the far left and climb up it until your right above the fifth row of windows. Force the camera to the right until the mountain is in the way. There is a picture of a girl there. The girl is the girlfriend of one of the games developers.


  1. File:Pdpsy11t.rar
  2. File:Pdpsyc1t.rar