Quest for Glory 2 - Trial by Fire

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 Type in SUCK BLUE FROG during the game an the you have the following
 keys. Press [Alt] and

 [B] - Edit account and communication
 [K] - Edit a skill
 [H] - Edit all skills
 [I] - Edit items
 [T] - Teleporte to a special place
 [S] - List of all sprites that are currently on the screen
 [E] - Ego stats
 [E] - Memory information
 [Z] and [X] - Go to DOS
 [C] - Shows all possible directions
 [V] - turns off [Alt][C]


  1. File:Quest for Glory 2-Trial by Fire solution.txt
  2. File:Quest for Glory 2-Trial by Fire faq.txt
  3. File:Quest for Glory 2-Trial by Fire hints.txt - Complete points list
  4. File:Quest for Glory 2-Trial by Fire solution 1.txt