Rainbow Six

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 Press [Enter] and then type in:

 teamgod                - Team god mode
 avatargod              - Avatar god mode
 stumpy                 - Stumpy mode on
 clodhopper             - Cloud hopper mode
 meganoggin             - Mega head mode
 bignoggin              - Big head mode
 nobrainer              - Turning brains
 debugkeys              - Debug keys enabled
 turnpunchkick          - Flat and ugly avatars
 1-900                  - Heavy breathing
 explore                - Victory conditions on/off
 5fingerdiscount        - Ammo complete
 silentbutdeadly        - Farting
 fastactionresponseteam - Heavy farting

Clodhopper mode:
Press Analog-stick Left + D-pad Down + B during game play to toggle clam pincer hands.

Rudeness mode:
Press Analog-stick Down + D-pad Down + B during game play to toggle instant
death for anyone near you.
Note: If you have the "Team God On" code enabled your men will keep repeating "Watch you fire!".

Victory conditions:
Press Analog-stick Up + D-pad Down + B during game play to toggle the victory conditions.
This will prevent the mission from being lost if you trigger an alarm or the
terrorists shoot the hostages.

Team God mode:
Press Analog-stick Left + D-pad Down + A during game play to toggle
invincibility for your entire team.

Avatar God mode:
Press Analog-stick Up + D-pad Down + A during game play to toggle invincibility
for your character while leaving the remaining members of your team normal.

Heavy breathing mode:
Press Analog-stick Down + D-pad Down + A during game play to toggle heavy breathing mode.

Mega head mode:
Press Analog-stick Left + D-pad Down + X during game play to toggle mega head mode.

Big head mode:
Press Analog-stick Up + D-pad Down + X during game play to toggle big head mode.

Stumpy mode:
Press Analog-stick Left + D-pad Down + Y during game play to toggle stumpy mode.

Side scroller mode:
Press Analog-stick Down + D-pad Down + Y during game play to toggle becoming thin as the trees.

Press Analog-stick Up + D-pad Down + Y during game play to toggle the AI of your team.

Polska mode:
Press Analog-stick Down + D-pad Down + X during game play to change the faces of your team.

Hint: Finding terrorists:
Always check your radar for terrorists before entering a room. Terrorists turn red arrows on radar.

Hint: Heartbeat sensor:
Do not leave without a heartbeat sensor -- let one operative have at least one.

Glitch: Save ammunition:
If you do not use an entire clip but are low, change your clip.
The game will not use up one of your extra clips, but instead simply reload your clip in use.
Note: This may not work for pistols.
Level select:
Start the game, do not use a memory card. Select campaign mode, then choose
"Load Game". Enter "P8H!H!P8P?H!?" as password to get all levels.

Level passwords:

Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11


  1. File:Rainbow Six faq.txt
  2. File:Rainbow Six faq 1.txt - Equipment FAQ
  3. File:Rainbow-savegame.rar
  4. File:Rain-savegame.rar
  5. File:Rainbow-trainer.rar - Unlimited shots and flashbangs