Road Warrior
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Cheat: If you just can't beat a mission, type this at the DOS prompt to run Road Warrior: RW 985WXM F7 . This will allow you to load any level and also skip missions using the [F7] key.
Road Warrior Tricky Hints First of all before you start to play go to the "Training" game mode and learn the controls. Once you get the hang of it, go play for real. If it is possible, try to use the keyboard, not the joystick. The control is much more precise and easier to use. Before each mission, read the passenger text. It tells you what your mission is and it also keeps you laughing. There are some pretty strange people in Kemo. To kill an enemy fast, try this. Hold the shoot key and cycle through the weapons to shoot multiple weapons at the same time. You can hold space while doing this if you have hood guns. On desert levels, try to follow the road and not your way-finder. You might get lost if you don't. To kill a bunch of pedestrians at once, wait until they are lined up and fire a missile at them. Harry missiles are super powerful. If you are stuck and in a hurry, fire a harry. It will go through all the cars it hits and kill them instantly. On the "Marithon" mission in flag city, don't hit the green pedestrian, he has to win the race to the end of the street. And remember, slow and steady wins the race. On the escort Bev Storm mission in flag city, you might have to give Bev a little nudge to help her along, (I think she's been drinking.) If you have to carry something on the front of your cab while driving, go to the "out of cab" view by pressing the "O" key.