Splinter Cell

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 For the full version:

 Ingame press [F2] and enter the following codes:

 Code                   Effect
 health                 Full health
 fly                    Fly everywhere (some objects no clip too)
 ghost                  No clipping
 walk                   Disable fly/ghost
 invisible 1/0          Make hero invisile so anyone can't see it, even you (on/off)
 playersonly 1/0        Only player moves. All other persons freeze (on/off)

 Unresearched codes:


 For the demo version:

 Press [Tab] in the game to open the console. Now you might type in (confirm
 with [Enter]):

 health             Health
 invisible 1        Invisibility ON
 invisible 0        Invisibility OFF
 ammo               Ammo
 fly                Fly
 ghost              No clipping mode
 walk               Back to walking
 playersonly        Freeze all enemies
 killpawns          Kill all enemies

 Collected with the help of

 -= CyberMan =-, cyberman@ag.ru


  1. File:Splinter Cell solution.txt
  2. File:Splinter Cell faq.txt - Real Weapons Faq
  3. File:KomplettloesungzuSplinterCell-other.rar
  4. File:SPlinCKomplettloesungv12-other.rar
  5. File:TRSI-SplinterCellPlus2Trainer-trainer.rar - Energy and weapons trainer
  6. File:SpliterCellLevelUnlooker-other.rar