Team 47 Goman

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 During gameplay, secret codes may be entered with the keyboard. All
 of the secret codes are activated by having the user hold down the
 [~] or [F6] keys and then type one of the following codes.
 The [~] or [F6] key acts as a "shift" key for entering codes, and
 it must be kept held down while you slowly type in the code. The
 code will be entered into gameplay once you release the [~] or [F6]

 ~POWER           Turns off Monster AI
 ~OWQUITIT        Stops spores from targeting robot
 ~YOUPYRO         User can play as monster for current level
 ~YOUTWIT         Play as robot (used after ~YOUPYRO)
 ~WIPEOUT         Kills current monster
 ~TRIPWIRE        Kills current robot
 ~POWERUP         Gives monster full energy
 ~POWERTIE        Gives robot full energy
 ~TYPEWRITER      Prints framerate to screen
Windows95 Run Command Line Parameters:

 To use these options, you need to install GoMan then use the Win95
 "run" command and enter in these numbers with a space after the EXE.
 Click on the Windows95 "Start" button, then click on "Run", then
 "Browse" to the directory that you installed GoMan in, choose the
 GOMAN.EXE & choose "Open". Type a space after the GOMAN.EXE portion
 and then type in your desired combination of the 6 numbers.

 Example: GOMAN.EXE 124411 (this would choose level 1, 640 mode, full
 screen, detail on high, andfancy type transparency)

 The following are explanations for each of the 6 numbers:

 1st: chooses the level (Number can be 0-6 for regular version, must
      be 1 for shareware version.)
 2nd: chooses the video mode.
      1� 320 x 240 x 8 bit mode
      2� 640 x 480 x 16 bit mode
      7� 512 x 384 x 16 bit mode
 3rd: chooses window size
      1� small
      2� medium
      3� letter box
      4� full screen
 4th: chooses detail level
      1� lowest ; smallest land, color key only
      2� low ; small land, color key only
      3� medium ; regular land, color key only
      4� high ; larger land, alpha transparency, perspective
      5� highest ; largest land, alpha transparency, perspective
         correction, lighting, bi-linear filtering

  4 & 5 are primarily for D3D cards.

  5th: not in use; This not in use, but it must must set to 1 if you
       want to use the 6th variable.
  6th: chooses transparency & translucency type
       0 � color key only
       1 � Fancy type
       2 � semi-fancy type*
       3 � translucent type
       4 � normal type
       5 � alternative type transparency**

 *(This one will improve quality on ATI Rage II, 3D Labs Permedia/2&
 Cirrus 5465 Laguna chips)
 **( This one will allow for GoMan transparency to work on the Cirrus
 Laguna "64" chip)