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New Boards
Combat Board:
Get this board by beating the U.K. Boss.

Turbo Board:
Get this board by beating the U.S. Boss.

Trick Board:
Get this board by beating the Japan Boss.

Quick Start
Press the R button when GO! comes up. If done correctly you will go
into a spin similar to the Y-button trick, allowing you to start
more quickly than walking for 3 steps before getting on the board.

Cheat Menu:
Enter the following cheats in the cheat menu in the pause screen

TRAVOLTA special moves unlimited

CITYBEACONS unlock everything


IWISH unlimited time on levels

TEAROUND always win even if you last

Patrick Hofmann <>

 Type in those codes at the cheat options in the options menu

 INFLATEDEGO - Big heads
 CITYBEACONS - Win everything
 TRAVOLTA    - Power up moves
 IWISH       - Infinite time
 TEAROUND    - Always win