X-Com - Apocalypse

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1. Activating cheat mode for X-COM Apocalypse Cityscape

Hold down [Alt] and type "UFO CHEAT" from the main interface, if you
mistype it or it doesn't work, hold down [Alt] and press any key other
than [U], then try again. You will get visual confirmation that the
cheat mode has been activated on the message bar.

The Codes:

Cancel cheat mode                    - [Alt] + [Esc]
Get one more of all equipment        - [Alt] + [Numpad Plus]
Flip dimension                       - [Alt] + 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Auto-save on / off                   - [Alt] + A
Force Base mission                   - [Alt] + B
Force UFOs to crash                  - [Alt] + C
Dimension map cheat on / off         - [Alt] + D
Build base facilities cheat on / off - [Alt] + F
Test alien dimension                 - [Alt] + G
Get $100000                          - [Alt] + M
Show no. of aliens in buildings      - [Alt] + N
Finish project instantly on / off    - [Alt] + P
Allow all manufacture on / off       - [Alt] + Q
Allow all research on / off          - [Alt] + R
Force Overspawn                      - [Alt] + S
Force apocalypse (terror) mission    - [Alt] + T
View all ufopaedia on /off           - [Alt] + V
Get one of each vehicle              - [Alt] + X
Show all people tube connections     - [Alt] + Z

Cheat codes only available in the "DEBUG" version:

Cause Fatal Error                    - [Alt] + E
Do "TEST" routine                    - [Alt] + [Space]

2. Activating cheat mode for X-COM Apocalypse Tactical

Hold down [Alt] and type "TAC CHEAT" if you mistype it or it doesn't
work, hold down [Alt] and press any key other than [T], then try
again. You will get visual confirmation that the cheat mode has been
activated on the message bar.

The Codes:

Cancel cheat mode             - [Alt] + [Esc]
Training mode on / off        - [Alt] + T
Hidden terrain on / off       - [Alt] + H
Hidden units on / off         - [Alt] + V
Kill all hostile units        - [Alt] + K
Invincibility on / off        - [Alt] + I
Weightlessness on / off       - [Alt] + W
Increase musical intensity    - [Alt] + F
Decrease musical intensity    - [Alt] + G
Animation viewer              - [Alt] + U (you must have unit selected
                                         + on screen, [Esc] exits,
                                         other keys given on screen)

Cheat codes only available in the "DEBUG" version:

Show frame counter            - [Alt] + R
Do "TEST" routine             - [Alt] + [Space]

3. Edit Cheat for Credits

Simply load your non-tactical mission game file in a hex editor,
go to location 33D40 and type FF FF FF to get 16.7 mln credits.


  1. File:X-Com-Apocalypse faq.txt
  2. File:Xcom3-trainer-trainer.rar
  3. File:Ovrkil11-editor.rar - Infantry Weapon/Vehicle-Editor
  4. File:Xcom3sge-editor.rar - Save game editor
  5. File:0897 18-other.rar - Finally an editor in UGE style to edit the soldiers and the base